Friday November 4, 2011
** Saturday, November 3rd we will be at National Capital Fit Day; therefore there will only be one class from 09:30 - 10:30**
Twins! |
A. Clean and Jerk
B. 20 Min AMRAP
30s Hollow Hold
5 Tuck Jump
30s Bottom Squat Hold
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**NOTE** - We are switching over to direct withdrawal for all memberships, including month to month. Please bring in a voided cheque or your account information (name of bank, transit number, routing number and account number). We require this information no later than Nov 12, 2011.
Isometric holds. A whole new realm of OWWW! Bring it.
Home WOD #1...aka Better than nothing:
A) 10 release pushups, 10 sit-ups, 10 Squats for 10 rounds. Time 9:53.
B) 50 hockey stick overhead Squats.
For time:
1 round
10 pint tips
10 burger bites
10 Fry dips
20 mins... I'm a slow eater.
A) 65 kg x 1
B) 8 + 3 HSPU - mod: small blue block
No block next time.
A: 100kg
B: 13 Rx + 5 wall sit (using gas mask)
A: 90kg and a messy 100kg
B: 14 Rx
A. 50kg
B. 8 mod
A. 72kg - ugly clean
B. 10 rnds + 5 HSPU - all HSPU to ab mat
A. 35kg
B. 12 rounds + hollow hold.
Did 15s handstand holds instead of HSPU
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