Thanks for the flexible Nov 11th hours!!
I second John's commentThanks
Lunch time WOD:A) 100 DUs for time: 6:48 - please let this be rock bottom. B) 5 rounds for time: max HSPU (to a mat), 20 Squats, 20 situps. Time: 8:13. HSPUs per round: 9-6-5-5-5
Keep working hard on those DU's Bryan and you'll master it in no time!
Bryan - join me on my 100 day/100 DU quest (or 100 DUs unbroken - which ever comes first...)!Today:Annie50-40-30-20-10DUSitup6:35
Thanks guys for the support. I'll keep at, it'll have to click at some point. Charles, that quest sounds incredible. A) 72 kg for 1 B) 12:19. C) 100 DUs for torture not time :)WOD 2: 21-15-9 T2B and Box Jumps (32 inches)6:18
A) 40 or 45 kg x 3 - just taking it easy on my backB) 12:43C) 21-15-9 T2B Box jumps 6:02
Thanks for the flexible Nov 11th hours!!
I second John's comment
Lunch time WOD:
A) 100 DUs for time: 6:48 - please let this be rock bottom.
B) 5 rounds for time: max HSPU (to a mat), 20 Squats, 20 situps. Time: 8:13. HSPUs per round: 9-6-5-5-5
Keep working hard on those DU's Bryan and you'll master it in no time!
Bryan - join me on my 100 day/100 DU quest (or 100 DUs unbroken - which ever comes first...)!
Thanks guys for the support. I'll keep at, it'll have to click at some point. Charles, that quest sounds incredible.
A) 72 kg for 1
B) 12:19.
C) 100 DUs for torture not time :)
WOD 2:
21-15-9 T2B and Box Jumps (32 inches)
A) 40 or 45 kg x 3 - just taking it easy on my back
B) 12:43
C) 21-15-9
Box jumps
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