**Check the Schedule page for updated November 11th hours**

A. Push Press
B. "Cindy" or "Mary"
Post rounds to comments
In case anyone was missed on the email for the HUA (Brockville) movements, here it is:
Bear complex #65/95 - #95/135
C2B pullups
COVP pullups
Hand release pushups
Box jumps ( 20/30 )
Box hurdles
Thrusters #65/95 - #95/135
Double unders
Toes to bar
Knees to elbows
OHS #65/95 -#95/115
This is a brief list of what to expect.
Thanks to all that have registered, please keep in mind we are trying to raise 500lbs of food for the local food bank, so if you could, please bring a non-perishable food item.
Some of the sponsors will be on hand as well with swag and other gear too.
See everyone in a few weeks.
The event is now taking place at the 1000 island mall in Brockville.
Registration: 0800-0830
* For anyone in the area the day/night before you will be able to come to the gym and pre-register (waiver) this will help alleviate congestion in the morning.*
The event is scheduled to be over by 1700.
There is a small food court in the mall....HOWEVER....you can imagine the type of food you will be getting into ! There are a few grocery stores close by though.
Love those photos!
Why don't I look like a fitness model.....
I love beer and pizza more then I should.
My bad.
Great photos. Loved the article.
A. 35 x 1, messy push press today
B. 17 rounds of Cindy + 1 pull-up (mod purple band)
A: 94.4gx5
B: Mary 11 rounds + 2 pullups
Took it esy today, shoulder was hurting
First time posting. Fun!!
Push Press - 50 for 5. 55 for 2.
Cindy: 17 rounds plus 1 pull up.
100 burpees. Whoot!
A) 60 for 5. Two sets.
B) Cindy: 17 + 3 Squats. Two rounds better than last time.
100 DUs.
100 DUs
70kg x 5
12 Rounds even of Nate. 2 rounds better than last time - I had to chase Brett!
that was fun! my baseline Cindy was 13 rounds and 8 pushups.
If you would like some great dining in the Brockville area, go to "The Ivy" on 1000 islands parkway...highly recommend their meals and they will make gluten free fresh for you...is pricey though... ivylea.ca
A) 40 kg x 4
B) Cindy 14 rounds plus 12 squats
2 sets of Agile 8
100 DUs
A. 42 x 5
B. 21 rounds of Mary + 5 pull-ups and 10 pushups
Ripped my hands apart!!
A. 50 for 5. Failed at 55 for 3
B. 10 rounds and 8 pistols of Mary.
Oops...I didn't do Mary...it was Cindy!!
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