A. Clean
B. "Grace"
30 Clean and Jerk 65/45
- Rest 1 Min -
30 Pull-Ups
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"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
-Thomas Alva Edison
-Thomas Alva Edison
A) 120kg from a hang PR
B) 1:56 Grace for total of 4:18 PR
2 PRs, good friday!
A) 56kg PR
B) 5:26 grace rx, no pullups (ripped hands)
A) 65kg from the hang and a huge PR at 80kg from the ground!
B) 7:10 total - 4:41 i think for Grace
A; 85kg hang PR
B; 11:22 @60kg clean & push press
A: 60 power clean PR :-) Thanks Jay for the push!
B: 7:54 at 40k and band (including the min rest) I think I finished Grace at around 4:13...there was a lot of coughing going on. I thought for sure I wasn't going to make it. Should of done 45k. Sorry Jay. Didn't listen to you for that one .
4 rounds
400m run
50 squats
(Hands-free wod :-P)
2:05 Grace! Yeppers.
Total with rest and PU 5:14
2:05 Grace is pretty good and I know u can get it under 2:00 next time.
A)115 PR
B)2:44 Grace, total 4:42
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