**Saturday July 28, 9:00am class ONLY as we are hosting a KB seminar**
If you are interested in attending, click here for details and registration.

A. Floor Press 5-5-3-3
B. 12 Minute AMRAP
8 Ring Row
2 Burpees
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8 Ring Row
2 Burpees
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A) 60/65
B) 8 rounds with 20kg KB
A) 50/55
B) 4+ 1 TGU
B) 8+1 TGU (24kg)
A. 80Kg / 90Kg x 1 (PR)
B. 5+3 R.Rows w/16Kg KB
A 45
B 6 rounds 1 tgu
A: 45/50
B: 6 + 8 RR 16kb alternated arms for TGU for each round (left is weaker than right)
You will be missed Marc!! Safe travels!!
A) 40/45
B) 5 plus 8 RR 16kg
C) 400m run
A. 60x5, 63x3
B. 6 + 8RR with 20kg
A) 70/70
B) 5+2 TGU @24kg (ring rows with feet on a box)
C) 400 M Run / 3 ring dips EMOM for 10 minutes
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