**Check the Schedule Page for Monday hours**

A. Hang Power Snatch + Hang Full + OHS
B. For Time:
21 D.B Snatch
100m Run
21 Ring Dip
100m Run
15 D.B Snatch
100m Run
15 Ring-Dip
100m Run
9 D.B Snatch
100m Run
9 Ring Dips
100m Run
21 D.B Snatch
100m Run
21 Ring Dip
100m Run
15 D.B Snatch
100m Run
15 Ring-Dip
100m Run
9 D.B Snatch
100m Run
9 Ring Dips
100m Run
Post time to comments
A: 45kg - tight back, still can't do OHS
B: 8:37 - ring dips - modified using pipes & feet elevated.
A: practice with 32
B: 9:36 mod pipes and 20'' box (looking forward to when running is not so hard)
A) Practiced a lot at 40kg
B) 11:14 - movements Rx / ring dips 15-12-9
A. 155# x 3
B. crossfit oshawa's : @135# 5/110 - 4/112 - 4/89 - 4/58 - 3/72
A. 38
B. 9:18 mod bench dips. 40lb dumbbells.
A. 35
B. 11:33 strict push ups w/35 DB
A. 50kg
B. 11.30 with push ups
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