A. "The Bear Complex"
5 Rounds
7 reps of the following sequence:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
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Rest as needed between rounds. Go for max load.
Rules: No resting on the ground (even to re-grip)
Jerking is allowed.
Can’t receive the clean in a squat and then directly overhead…must stand first, then front squat.
Finished 35 did 40 a couple of times. Really liked the exercise.
Loved the WOD!!!
Completed 45. Attempted 50 and missed the back push press on round 2/7. Looking forward to trying that again!!!
Sam was a beast!! :-)
Got upto 50 kg. That was a very tough one! Great job Kat :D fun times
- Samantha
Got up to 40! I'm jealous of all this kitty kat talk! I'll catch up to you guys sloooowwly!! Beeewareee!! GrrrRrRrrrr!
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