WOD A. Power Clean + 3 Push Press B. 6 Minutes EMOTM 8-12 Push-Ups C. 4 Rounds For Reps 1 Minute Max KBS 24/16kg 1 Minute Max Shuttle run 10m back and forth 1 Minute Rest
A 45 this is getting better, the clean and the press. Maybe listening to willie and jay IS a good idea...I will ponder this for a bit B 158 rx I love to run but my asthma doesn't, today I won the battle! Getting to go outside today was awesome!!!
A: 55kg
C: 137 Rx
Shoulder felt good tonight & not nearly as tight/sore as when I returned 8wks ago following 3 month break/recovery. It's all good !
A 45 this is getting better, the clean and the press. Maybe listening to willie and jay IS a good idea...I will ponder this for a bit
B 158 rx I love to run but my asthma doesn't, today I won the battle!
Getting to go outside today was awesome!!!
A) 50
B) 8
C) 166 rx
A) 65, the best I could do with 70 was 2.
B) 12
C) 163 RX
D) 100 DU
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