A. Power Clean + Strict Press 5-5-5
B. 3 Set Max HSPU Rest 150 Seconds
C. Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of the following: 10 Squats 1 Bar Muscle-Up 20 Squats 2 Bar Muscle-Up 30 Squats 3 Bar Muscle-Up 40 Squats 4 Bar Muscle-Up 50 Squats 5 bar Muscle-Up 60 Squats 6 bar muscle-up ...etc Post to comments
A 32 x 5
B 11 strict push ups all three times
C 50 or 60 still not sure and 13 pullups.
What are the new classes that are coming soon?
Strict Press: 2 sets of 30kg x 5
Max Strict Push ups: 7-8-6
WOD: (mod) 50 squats + 9 pull ups
A) 48x5 / 50x4, so close on the 5th rep
B) 10-10-7 to an ab mat with some kipping
C) did muscle-ups completed 1-2-3-4 and finished the 50 squats
A) 35 x 5
B) 7/7/6 HSPUs to abmat
C) 50 squats plus 4 C2B
A: 42 x 5
C: 60 + 13 pullups
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