Monday April 11, 2011


A) Front Squat 3-3-3

B) 12 Minute AMRAP
     50 Squats
     40 KBS 1.5 pd/1 pd
     30 Sit ups

Dmitry Klokov - Olympic Silver Medalist


Melisa C said...

A) 55kg

B) 2 rounds + 50 squats + 40 KBS + 25 sit ups

Ramzi said...

A) 90kg

B) 3 rounds + 46 squats.

Alex K said...

1) 275 lb/ 125 kg
2) 3 rounds + 50 squats + 16 KB swings

DJ Laurie B said...

A) 56kg

B) 2 rounds + 50 squats + 40 KB swings + 25 Sirius

Bryan said...

A) 60 kg 4 sets of 3

B) 3 rounds plus 18 squats

The KBS were a killer.

Marty M said...

A) 80 kg

B) 2 rounds

Rebecca said...

A) 80kg
B) 2 rounds + 50 squats + 30 KBS

ASh said...

A) 45kg (I think)

B) 2 rounds + 50 squats + 40 KBS + 26 sit ups

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