For time:
100 DUs
10 Burpees
20 Clean & Jerk or Squat Clean
30 Pull-Ups
40 Push-Ups
50 Sit-Ups
60 Squats
100 DUs
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Five Things You Should Stop Doing in 201210 Burpees
20 Clean & Jerk or Squat Clean
30 Pull-Ups
40 Push-Ups
50 Sit-Ups
60 Squats
100 DUs
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Last day to get a membership with the 2011 prices!!
CrossFit Goals for 2012:
1) 100 DUs in 2 to 3 minutes by end of March.
2) String together 5 to 10 T2B by end of June.
3) Deadlift 155 to 160 kg for 1 by end of September.
4) Muscle-ups (3 to 5) by end of December.
WOD 1 = 11:24
10 Muscle ups
100 push presses at 35kg
1000m row
WOD 2=14:11
100 double unders
10 burpeees
150 DUs
100 Ring Dips
500m Row x 4 (3 mins rest between)
14.42 with C&J
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