A. Back Squat 5-5-5
B. 4 Rounds for Max Reps:
1 Min Row (for cals)
1 Min Pistols
1 Min Wall Ball
1 Min Strict Pull-Ups
Post reps to comments
Skins Canada will be in the gym on Saturday, March 24, 2012 from 10:00am until 12:00pm. Click HERE for the Facebook event page
2011, SKINS Canada conducted a series of SKINS compression
promotional/sales events at CrossFit locations all throughout Canada.
Once again, SKINS Canada will be offering the same opportunity for Crossfit locations.
The event works like this:
A complete range of SKINS samples will be on hand. A SKINS representative will be there to answer questions and do personal fittings. Members that attend that day are offered a one time opportunity to make a SKINS purchase at 50% off full retail. We ship the order within a few days."
A - 105x5 (pr)
B - 200 even
let's see what kind of squats we will have to do tomorrow!
All together now: Yeah burpees!
johnny i hear ya man!
@Charles, yesterday you asked what would be a good WOD to start the open with...all burpees did not come to mind!
A) 100x5...at 105 I needed help for the last two reps.
B) 193
100 DU
I actually like this WOD a lot as an opener. It's inclusive and it's a really good test of fitness (i.e. no Crossfit specific "skills" required). I think it's a great test of heart, motor and mind.
Sounds good Charles. Thats a great way to look at it. Thanks for the update.
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