Tuesday March 13, 2012

Opens WOD 12.3

A. Deadlift 5-5-5

B.  For Time:
     10 Box Jumps Between each Set

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ASh said...

A) 105x3
B) 4 rounds for time
400m run
50 bw squats

K-Mart said...

A) 115kg x 5

B) 12:09 Mod1 - 35lb DB strict press, turned into a push press on round 6

Amanda, you ran? Hah, I think I was too busy struggling to get those infernal DB's over my head without dip-driving to notice. Or maybe it was because I was facing the wall.

Kat =(^.^)= said...

A: 97 x 3

B: 6:47 mod HSPU 3 blocks and shorter box (20?)

That was fun! :-)

Kat =(^.^)= said...

Correction : 97 x 5

ASh said...

Marty - I unintentionally cheated big time at the 4pm WOD so redid it at 5 but the class was so big that there weren't enough boxes so I ran outside and it was glorious.

Charles LeBelle said...

190 x 5

8:42 rx

Great energy level in the gym today... very contagious!

Erika S said...

A: 85 x 5 Super happy with that, it was my 1rm two weeks ago! =]

B: 7:55 mod purple block. Time to accept the pain (and montstrously slower times) and move down to the blue block, I powered through the HSPU too easily today. Yay progress!

BryanJB said...

A) 135x5

B) 15:30 mod: HSPU to ab mat down to 4 then needed blocks to finish.

Melisa C said...

@Erika - Nice work!

@Amanda - I am sooooooo sorry!! I had no idea you were doing a WOD, I thought you were just warming up for the 6pm class. :( I would never have interrupted you!

A. 115 x 5, 120 x 4

B. 9:30

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