Monday April 23, 2012

This ones for you Lebelle

A. Back Squat 1-1-1

B.   5 Rounds for Time:
       15 Front Squat 60/45
       15 Pull-Ups


Charles LeBelle said...

I try, but i'm sure i never look that cute when i roll.

Everett said...

A: 190kg PR
B: 9:51 Rx

Worked on my butterfly kip

1 minute max pistols 22

Melisa C said...

A. 115kg

B. 12.01 - messed up. Thought it was 3 rounds so walked a bit after the 3 until I realized it was 5. Oops!!

Kat =(^.^)= said...

A: 85x1 PR :-)

B: 14:42 red band and 40kg

ASh said...

A) 75kg massive PR yay!
B) 20:xx at 40kg boo

Rebecca said...

A) 112kg - Big PR
B) 10:05 - did butterfly for the first time in a wod today!

BryanJB said...

A) 115x1 a PR by 3

B) 16:06, happy to get the Rx. That's my goal right now, to get more Rx's and then focus on times.

Gab said...

A; 120kg x 1 PR
B; 18:02, 40kg

Marta said...

A) 108kg -off my best by only 2kg - getting there :o)

B) 17minutes and then some...

Orlando said...

A) 185 - PR
B) 8:49 rx

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