A. Power Snatch
B. Min 1 - 10 C2B
Min 2 - 20 Burpees
Min 3 - 30 KBS
Min 4 - 40 Squats
Min 5 - 50 Sit Ups
Run 600m
Penalty for every missed rep within the minute
Min 2 - 20 Burpees
Min 3 - 30 KBS
Min 4 - 40 Squats
Min 5 - 50 Sit Ups
Run 600m
Penalty for every missed rep within the minute
Post penalty and number of reps missed to comments
A: practice
B: 4:53 had to do 16 slam balls (1 for KBS and 15 for situps) got a cramp while running...that didn't go well... :-(
I did this at home so not sure how to score it (assuming time = run + penalty?). Either way, missed a lot of reps!
1. 0 mod
2. 2
3. 5
4. 7
5. 18
6. Run time=2:42
Did kbs for every missed rep=32 swings
A) Practice @ 25kg
B) 3:15 RX
1 Slamball penalty... So close...
A) 45kg
B) 3:30 Rx
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