Wednesday July 11, 2012


A. Strict Press 3-3-3

B. 21-15-9
     DB Snatch R
     DB Snatch L

C. 30 Pull-Ups or 1 max set if more then 30

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Fight the T-Killing Toxins


Melisa C said...

A. 43x3 (still cannot get right hand in rack position due to wrist)

B. 9.12 w 40lbs

C. 3 sets

ASh said...

A. 32x3
B. 9:46
C. 7 sets.......

Marta said...

A) 47kg x 3 for two sets...just couldn't get past it today...

B) 9.59 w 40lbs

C) 3 sets

Alex K said...

A. 70kg
B. 9:20 32kg KB
C. 31

good to be back!

MykeDw said...

A. 50Kg (3x3) - PR

B. Around 8:00 w/40lb DB.

C. 6 sets to make 30.

Kat =(^.^)= said...

A: 40 x 3 couldn't get past that :-(

B: 9:39 before pull ups 35lbs DB

C: 5 sets ended at 13:16

Ramzi said...

A) practice - rotator still done
B) 8:21 with 40lb db
C) 35 unbroken

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