Monday May 27, 2013


A. Front Squat 80% Max Repsx3

B. 3 Rounds For Time
     30 Wall Ball
     20 Pull-ups
     100M Sprint

C. 100 Sit-Ups 

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MykeDw said...

A: 80kg - 5/6/6
C: 5:27

Unknown said...

A used 55
B 14:56 I have decided that running and asthma don't mix, Therefore I will no longer run and I shall take up nordic pole walking!

Nancy S said...

Willie and Jay and O-Town competitors - Pete, Bret, Steve, Sam, Beca and Lindsay - congratulations. It was an honour to watch you represent O-Town at the Regionals. I look forward to next year.

DJ Laurie B said...

A) 65kg x5/5/5

B) 12:15 (10lb WB) what a difference 4 lbs makes. That actually made it fun. Fun is ok too sometimes.

C) 3:30

BryanJB said...

A) 80kg x 15 / 85 x 9 / 85 x 6

B) 12:06 - did the first round unbroken then the next two broke me :)

C) After crashing for 5 minutes, I did the 100 situps in about 4 minutes.

BryanJB said...

@ Sue, I just read your post, hilarious!! The thought of everyone doing that makes for a good laugh too.

Kat =(^.^)= said...

A: ...
B: 10:42 (14 lb WB)
C: 3:42
Felt like a turtle...

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