Wednesday May 29, 2013


A. Strict/Weighted Pull-Ups

B. HSPU/Handstand Walk

C. For Time

    100 T2B
    *20 Push-Up every time you break

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DJ Laurie B said...

A) 15kg x 1

B) strict HSPUS to abmat and several failed attempt to floor

C) 15:36 w 10 push-ups

Kat =(^.^)= said...

A: managed 10lbs twice

B: hs holds to paralettes

C: 16:42 w 10 pushups

Sue Carter said...

a practice
b kipping hspu to abmat
c 18:52 it was rough, and I'm jealous of laurie :)

BryanJB said...

A) 15kgx1

B) practice HSPU - a couple reps strict to the floor and some kipping

C) 17:07 with 10 push-ups. Not crazy about my time but I got it done.

D) 100 DU

MykeDw said...

A: Strict PUs ...a bunch.

B: Handstand holds

C: 16:29 w/10 pushups.
Shoulders very tender from yesterdays 150 KBS and my brain sent a reminder during every pushup.

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