WOD A. 16 Minute EMOM Odd 3-5 Bar Muscle-Up Even 8-10 Strict HSPU B. 16 Minute EMOM Odd 15Sec L-Seat+20 Switch Lunge Even 3 TGU+20 KBS C. 5x100M (record fastest time)
A) 6 ring muscle-ups all singles and a bunch of attempts / 5 strict HSPU to an ab mat B) Did half the rounds 3 TGU and 5 to 10 KBS Oly Class: snatch balance, snatch 1rm and snatch grip deadlift
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A) 6 ring muscle-ups all singles and a bunch of attempts / 5 strict HSPU to an ab mat
B) Did half the rounds 3 TGU and 5 to 10 KBS
Oly Class: snatch balance, snatch 1rm and snatch grip deadlift
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