Wednesday July 13, 2011


A. Snatch

B. 4 rounds for time:
     200m run
     15 OHS 45/30kg
     15 T2B

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One of the Most Inexcusable Vaccine Revelations of All...


Nifer said...

Not sure if this is the forum for this, but….I can’t seem to stop myself.

Start Rant:

I have a hard time with the autism - vaccination association. The onset of autistic symptoms in children correlates with certain vaccine administration time lines. Although I have never personally researched this, one can say that there is a rise, even spike, in autistic children; however, this rise could be attributed to a number of other factors or combination of factors – not JUST vaccination. Perhaps the rise is due to our better understanding / more accurate diagnosis / more “socially-accepted” diagnosis of autistic children when compared to the 1950s? Maybe autistic children in the 1950s were labelled as “retarded” or “stupid” or “weird” and not “autistic”? Furthermore, there has been more than just the introduction of new vaccines / vaccination schedules into our environment that could potentially be linked to the rise in autistic children: pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, preservatives, food additives, and plastics just to name a few. Who is to say that the rise in autistic children isn’t due to a pregnant woman re-heating her food, in a microwave, in a fancy plastic container one too many times during that ever-crucial 1st trimester? I’m not saying that there isn’t a trend and that there isn’t a need for further exploration wrt vaccination and autism – I’m just saying that the whole picture has not been looked at. The article provided an EXTREMELY biased view on ONLY ONE probable cause for the rise in autistic children.

Moreover, as DNA technology advances, our “detection” capabilities of endogenous viral contaminates in vaccines also increases. We are hearing more and more about theses contaminates now – not because they are “new” – but because we finally have the capability to detect them. One should not be surprised to hear of more and more contaminants in more and more things (not just vaccines) as our detection limits keep lowering. This subject brings up the question of how much information is too much and the fact/suggestion/ argument/government agenda (you can choose here)…that sometimes ignorance is bliss. OK – End Rant. I’m excited to be doing a snatch later. Everybody likes a good snatch! LOL :-)

ASh said...

Hey - I obviously just could not NOT saying anything on this one.

So there has only been 1 "study" that suggested an association between autism and the Measles Mumps Rubella vaccine (so not all immunizations) by Andrew Wakefield in 1998 and as we all know, it's since been retracted from the Lancet etc. etc. due to the fact that he falsified the results. The results have never been replicated. Yet a small minority of the population aren't convinced. I just finished reading an interesting book called The Panic Virus (Seth Mnookin), that "explores the limit of rational thought" and looks into why the myth that vaccines cause developmental disorders continues to live on. Recommended!

Again, agree that incidence of autism has increased over time and there are likely many reasons for this. I'm not an expert in developmental disorders, an obvious observation is that the way autism has been coded over time in the DSM has changed. For example:
- in the first version in 1952, it wasn't a stand alone diagnosis, but instead autistic kids were grouped into schizophrenia.
- DSM-II (1968) same thing
- DSM-III (1980) autism included (1 diagnosis) with 6 criteria, and each had to be met
- DSM-IV (1994) more classifications, including Aspergers. Plus 16 symptoms instead of 6, and you only need 6/16 to be classified.

So from a purely epidemiological perspective, that alone is strong rationale to explain increased incidence of autism. As well as the things that Nifer mentioned like increased parental and physican awareness.

A) 32kg
B) 12:10 25kg mod, knees to elbows

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