Friday February 17, 2012


A. Jerk

B. 10 Min AMRAP
     7 HSPU
     7 Deadlift 100/80

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20 step story of a typical crossfitter


Rebecca said...

A) 50kg - HUGE weakness...anything overhead.

B) 6 + 4 HSPU rx'd

Marta said...

A) 60kg - jerks are not my friend in the morning - so hard to warm-up those shoulders!

B) 5 + 2 HSPU mod(purple block)

Erika S said...

A. 52 kg (PR!)

B. 6 + 6 deadlift @60kg. Mod purple block fo HSPU.

Deadlifts and I didn't get along today.

BryanJB said...

A) 70 x 1 x 2 (C&J)

B) 6 - mod: DL 100 and HSPU to an ab mat

Anonymous said...

A: 50 x 3 worked on form

B: 8 even. 70 kg with HSPU to 3 blocks. First time doing HSPU :-)

Kat :-)

Everett said...

A: 115kg
B: 7 Rounds + 7 Deadlifts

Shoulder still sore so the HSPU killed me today

jonny c said...

a - c&j practice

b 5 +6 hspu rx

sore from the jerks

Charles LeBelle said...

A. worked at 70kg

B. 7 + 2HSPU Rx

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