Thursday March 8, 2012


A. Gymnastics

B. "Chrissy"
     45 Burpees 1.5/1p
     15 KBS
     30 Burpees
     20 KBS
     25 Burpees
     25 KBS
     20 Burpees
     30 KBS
     15 Burpees
     35 KBS
     10 Burpees
     40 KBS
       5 Burpees
      45 KBS

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Josh G said...

Really? I get ONE day off this week to come to the gym and get stuck with 150 Burpees?!?! Major fail.

Brett said...

You love them josh

Kat =(^.^)= said...

Brutal! It's a little over an hour aft the WOD and my arms are starting to complain.

A: only had time to practice some ascending and descending from floor to standing on the rope. New goal: to climb a rope by September. :-)

B: a painful 27:52. Freakin' burpees!!!!

K-Mart said...

A) Handstands, did a few first-time HSPU with the thicker purple blocks; made an attempt or three at muscle-ups, couldn't get them; climbed the rope and stopped about a foot short of the top

B) 19:21

Kat =(^.^)= said...

Wow...I just noticed that the WOD ended burpees at 5. I ended with 15 because I was decreasing by 5s for burpees and increasing by 5s for KBS for a total of 7 rounds each movement. Either this is a typo or I did WAY too many burpees! :-(

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