Tuesday April 10, 2012


A. Deadlift 5-5-5

B. 3 Rounds for Quality:
In 1 Min perform the following, rest remaining  time:
      Min 1: 150m Row
      Min 2: 20 KBS
      Min 3: 15 Pull-Ups
      Min 4: 20 GHD Sit-Ups


Everett said...

I can safely say I have eaten one food of that list, the fertilized egg, it actually tastes much better than it looks.

Kat =(^.^)= said...

A: 105 x 5 new PR :-D

B: that was tougher than it looked. Only one I consistently completed each minute was the rowing :-)

Jeremie said...

A: 130 x 5
B: Wasn't able to finish pull ups or ghd on 2nd and 3rd round.

Melisa C said...

A. 110, 112.5, 115 - just doing work

B. completed all but 2 pullups on the 3rd round, way harder then I thought!

Orlando said...

A. 205
B. Subbed strict pullups which sucked after the first round.

Everett said...

A: 227kg x5 PR!!
B: Got everything except the last round of GHD only made it to 17.

Much harder than expected, without having the 1 minute rest at the end of the rounds really made this a beat down.

Gab said...

A: 100kg x 5, PR
B: subbed GHD with lying straight leg hip raise, completed all first round sets in time then I couldn't keep up on anything for the following two rounds.

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