A. Gymnastics
B.Tabata "The Next"
Complete 8 rounds with 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest of the following:
Box Jump
Rest 1 min between exercise
Post lowest score of each exercise to comments
Row 1000m 3:45
A) Muscle Ups
B) Did 5 Rounds of Regional WOD 3 in 20 minutes
A: worked on kipping pull ups without a band. Did 10 sets of 5 on the min. HSPU to two blue blocks. 5 sets of 3
B: row not counted
A) Ringwork - a couple of dips and practicing muscle-ups with the box
HSPU with 1 blue block
L-Sits - max time was a shaky 28 seconds
B) 5 cals on the row
10 box jumps
7 burpees
7 GHD situps
Great job on the pullups, Kat! You'll be doing a lot more full Rx WODs before you know it.
A) Ring work: inverted rows with a false grip, ring hangs, pull ups and swings with a false grip. +pistols.
B) row: 5, burpees: 5, box jumps: 7, situps 15
A; kipping pull ups, HSPU purple block on flatest side, hand stand
B; row 5, burpee 5, box jump 6, sit-up 8
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