WOD A. Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1 B. 6 Rounds For Quality 30 Sec Box jump 30 Sec Rest C. 3 Rounds For Time 400M Run 50 Squats Post to comments Why It’s Important to Cook Your Own Meal
C) raining at the time so I did 3 rounds of 40 burpees and 50 squats. Undecided if running 400 meters x 3 would have been better but that sure was a lot of burpees. 13:06
C: Followed Bryan and Laurie's lead (mistakenly) & chose the Burpee WOD vs Running in the rain. Time around 16;00, but forgot how to count somewhere along the line.
A) 120kg
C) 9.32 - i hate running :o)
A) 123kg - A PR by 2kg
C) raining at the time so I did 3 rounds of 40 burpees and 50 squats. Undecided if running 400 meters x 3 would have been better but that sure was a lot of burpees. 13:06
A) 90kg ran out of time to try my last pr of 95-rats
B) lots of box jumps 20"
C) 11:10 subbed 20 burpees for each 400m run due to rain and mostly due to hatred of running
A: 85 !@#$in back
B: 9:13 can't believe I opted to run in the rain. It was actually enjoyable...
A: 105Kg...it's coming.
C: Followed Bryan and Laurie's lead (mistakenly) & chose the Burpee WOD vs Running in the rain. Time around 16;00, but forgot how to count somewhere along the line.
@ Kat - good call to run in the rain.
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