A. Deadlift 5-5-5-5 @80%
B. 6 Rounds For Quality 30 Sec Inch Worm 30 Sec Rest
C. For Time: 45 KBS 1.5/1p 21-15-9 Box Jump 30/24" Pull-Up 45 KBS 1.5/1p
Post to comment Potentially the Biggest Deadlift in Canadian History(in a meet)
A) 115kg (made me wonder if I need a new 1 RM) C) 10:55 RX - way to go Laurie, I had about a minute lead heading into the last round of KBS and it wasn't enough :)
big ups Kade that was awesome!
A used 90 but should have went heavier
B 12:35 RX I will get over my fear of box jumps!
Way to go kade!
A: 105
C: 11:05 Rx.
A) 100kg
B) yep
C) 10:35 rx
Love love loved this whole day!!
A) 115kg (made me wonder if I need a new 1 RM)
C) 10:55 RX - way to go Laurie, I had about a minute lead heading into the last round of KBS and it wasn't enough :)
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