Tuesday January 17, 2012



B. Tabata
     KBS 32/24

Rest 1 min btwn rounds

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Alana said...

Feels like I haven't been in the gym forever!
I'll try again tomorrow :(

BryanJB said...

45 burpees in 2 minutes.

A) 60 for 3, then with 50 3 sets of 5 and one of 6

B) 8-1-6 Rx-ish...had to switch to a mat for HSPU towards the end.

Everett said...

A: 100kg
B: 10/2/8 Rx

Steph said...

A: 45kg
B: 11/hold/6 (mod 2)

Charles LeBelle said...

a. 85kg x 1 (pr)
b. 8/3/5 (mod - right leg needs some assistance...)

Jen said...

A) 45 kg x 5 (and then Willie said to do reps at that weight, so...)
45 kg x 12
45 kg x 13
45 kg x 14

B) 10/3/7 (mod 1 - ab mat for HSPU)

My shoulders and glutes are VERY angry with me this morning...

Melisa C said...

A. 45kg 15/7(lost balance)/10/8 = 40 in 4 sets

B. 10/holds/5 to med ball

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