Wednesday April 4, 2012

Check out the Schedule page for Good Friday hours.


A. Back Squat 5-5-5

B. For Time:
     Thrusters 60/45

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“Men are disturbed not by things that happen but by their opinion of the things that happen.”- Epictetus

       Marc making the hard look effortless...


Melisa C said...

A. 100 x 5

B. 10.24 - bloody heavy!

Marta said...

A. 80 x 5 - slowly coming back :o)

B. 12.18 - agree on the heavy! felt like my legs and arms could just not coordinate, better next time!

Kat =(^.^)= said...

A: 65 x 5 (legs are still recovering from yesterday)

B: 10:19 35kg thrusters (and I thought I was sore before :-P)

Everett said...

A: 150kg
B: 5:47 Rx

I like heavy stuff.

Gab said...

A: 100kg x 5
B: 12:16 40kg Thrusters

Rebecca said...

A) 97 x 5
B) 9:21 rx....whoa heavy.

Orlando said...

A) 160kg
B) 7:26 - Burpees affected my thrusters more than I expected.

Jeremie said...

A: 105Kg
B: 11:30 (50kg)

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