Tuesday August 16, 2011

CrossFit culture, we know what this pic is!

A. Deadlift 5-5-5

B. Tabata "The Other"
Complete 8 rounds with 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest of the following:

Wall Ball

Rest 1 min between exercises

Post lowest score of each exercise to comments.

Outside the Games Bubble


Everett said...

A 10X3 of sumo deadlift 100kg:

B: 5 pullup
8 Wall ball 20#
8 KBS (70#)
6 pushup

Alana said...

Deadlift 5x100 kg, still felt good.
Tried 110kg for 5 but got a broken set of 3 instead.

Tabatta Other... 3-5-7-8
Wall balls seem to suck the life from me. I was ambitious with the pull ups to, tried for 6 then 5 then 4, accepted 3.

Great working with you Melissa! I love Keens :)

Marty M said...

A) 115kg x 5

B) 4 PU
6 WB
9 Pushups

Everett said...

Second time around

A: 170kg x 5

B: 1 Muscle Up
8 Wall ball 30#
6 KBS (108lb)
5 Pushup

Naffele said...

A/ 5x 160lbs

2 pullups
5 wall ball 12lb
9 kbs 35lb
6 pushups

...and in round 3 of the pullups the struggle between getting more chalk, watching the clock and climbing back up on the box cost seconds and she ended up with...2 ohhh but posting the lowest score does make it more challenging!

Melisa C said...

A. 110kg x 5

B. 6 Pullups
8 Wall Ball 16#
9 KBS 16kg
8 Push Ups

You too Alana, and no problem! Glad you like `em!

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